By Michael Mapson | 06/15/2023
Everyone has their favorite formats. In his first article, Mapson tells us why Modern and Legacy are his. He also gives us his lists for the weekend.
By Adam Cohen | 10/11/2022
Yorion, Sky Nomad is BANNED in Modern and so is The Meathook Massacre in Standard. Adam talks about why and predicts the new directions the formats will take.
By Adam Cohen | 09/13/2022
The combo of free elementals and undying effects in RB Scam is so good it feels like we're scamming our opponents. Adam goes over the deck and how it works.
By David Ernenwein | 08/30/2022
Dominaria United is now fully spoiled, and one card in a cycle has David E.'s full attention. Vodalian Hexcatcher stands to completely change Modern Merfolk.
By Adam Cohen | 08/16/2022
Adam takes a step back to go over how he prepares for a tournament, what decisions go into his deck choices, and the ways to tweak a deck for a winning result.
By Adam Cohen | 08/09/2022
Adam picks up his third RCQ Top 8, this time with 4c Omnath. He goes over which dials need adjusting, and his plans for future iterations on the archetype.
By Adam Cohen | 06/21/2022
The tales of Grixis Shadow's demise have been greatly exaggerated. Modern's favorite self-flagellating deck is back... and coming for your ledgers!
By Adam Cohen | 04/19/2022
What's old is new again! Adam dives into what makes the Grinding Breach combo so potent in Modern right now, plus a top 8 finish! Is this Splinter Twin in 2022?
By David Ernenwein | 03/22/2022
With Lurrus gone, Grixis slipping, and permission everywhere, is it really time to play combo? David thinks so, highlighting a Storm win and reassuring Belcher.

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