By Michael Mapson | 06/15/2023
Everyone has their favorite formats. In his first article, Mapson tells us why Modern and Legacy are his. He also gives us his lists for the weekend.
By David Ernenwein | 02/22/2022
Ross Meriam thinks Indomitable Creativity is underrated. David disagrees, asking whether Modern "Tinker" decks can only find success by crossing over to ramp?
By David Ernenwein | 02/01/2022
After not touching Modern in the latest B&R announcement, Aaron Forsythe took to Twitter with a trove of valuable insights. David dissects their implications.
By David Ernenwein | 01/25/2022
The more things change, the more Burn stays the same. David reviews the striking anomaly of Burn's enduring power in the context of post-MH2 Companion Modern.
By David Ernenwein | 01/18/2022
As Modern crawls with red one-drops, David tries to answer the question burning in everyone's mind: is Ragavan or DRC king among them?

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