By David Ernenwein | 12/09/2022
The Modern metagame looks relatively stable. However, that's deceptive. The data doesn't show all the brewing by players trying to beat the established decks.
By David Ernenwein | 12/07/2022
The metagame has achieved general stability, but the paper and MTGO metagames are diverging... and Tier 1 is half the field! David E. has the data.
By David Ernenwein | 11/11/2022
October has proven to be both a volatile and a stable month for Modern. David E looks into the reason for the contradiction and what to expect in November.
By David Ernenwein | 11/08/2022
The October Modern Metagame Update has arrived, and the results are simultaneously surprising and expected. Yorion's ban had some unanticipated consequences.
By David Ernenwein | 10/11/2022
Yorion, Sky Nomad has been banned in Modern. David E. breaks down the implications of this ban, which stands to change Modern without changing the metagame.
By David Ernenwein | 10/07/2022
Modern's metagame is shifting. Some of it is predictable, but some unforeseen developments are nonetheless returning Modern to a state of heavy flux.
By David Ernenwein | 10/04/2022
Though Tier 1 remains stable, the September Metagame Update reflects a shaking of the lower tiers as Modern adapts to Leyline Binding. David E. shares the data.
By David Ernenwein | 09/06/2022
Modern's stability continues unabated. However, there are signs that, beneath the surface, change is occurring. David E. has the data to demonstrate the change.
By David Ernenwein | 08/05/2022
Modern's metagame stability continues unabated. However, David E. sees worrying trends in the data that point to problems. Insiders should prepare themselves.
By David Ernenwein | 08/02/2022
It's a new month, and that means a new Modern Metagame update. Modern continues to be in a complicated place as David E. explains.

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