By Christopher O'Berry | 04/18/2019
Christopher knows accountability is always crucial in speculation. After ten weeks of articles for QS, he looks back to evaluate how his speculation calls have fared.
By Kyle Rusciano | 04/18/2019
MTGO took a hit with the introduction of Arena, but the economy seems to be stabilizing. Kyle surveys the broad contours of the new landscape to start forming an investment strategy.
By Adam Yurchick | 04/12/2019
The Modern metagame, War of the Spark spoiler season, and the London mulligan are all making an impact on the Magic market this week. Adam covers the details.
By Patrick Lienemann | 03/26/2019
In Pat's debut article for QS, he discusses the broad differences between short- and long-term specs, how to identify trends before spikes, and closes with a few predictions.
By Adam Yurchick | 03/22/2019
This week Adam talks financial fallout from Faithless Looting, a major corporate sponsorship for Magic Esports, the new London Mulligan rule, and a tip to make MTGO more affordable.
By Christopher O'Berry | 03/20/2019
Chris is back this week with a breakdown of Modern specs that could be worth a second look.
By Christopher O'Berry | 03/13/2019
With the release of Modern Horizons looming, Wizards announced no changes to the Banned & Restricted list. Christopher looks at the cards that stand to gain right now.
By Sigmund Ausfresser | 03/11/2019
It's easy to get distracted by the constant news and rumors surrounding Magic. Sig shares three simple rules to help you remain focused and avoid sinking excess time into Magic finance.
By Christopher O'Berry | 03/06/2019
With several high-profile Legacy events on the horizon, Christopher is looking to format staples for growth. He lays out his reasoning and the current best targets.
By Sigmund Ausfresser | 03/04/2019
Modern Horizons is sure to have a profound impact on Modern. Today Sig shares his perspective on card prices, potential reprints, and good places to speculate through spoiler season.

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