By David Ernenwein | 05/17/2023
Potentially broken new cards are usually safe bets to see play. Venerated Rotpriest seems like an exception, but David E. isn't blaming the card itself.
By David Ernenwein | 04/19/2023
March of the Machine may have seemed underwhelming during spoiler season, but David E. has found had surprising luck testing cards in Modern... even a battle!
By David Ernenwein | 03/01/2023
The Pioneer metagame isn't changing post-Pro Tour. David E. believes that physics has the answer to why players seem unwilling to innovate or change decks.
By David Ernenwein | 11/22/2022
The week after a set release is always full of experimentation and surprises. David E. has seen some very unexpected cards in unexpected formats so far.
By David Ernenwein | 10/18/2022
David E. expected 4-Color Omnath to bounce back quickly from Yorion, Sky Nomad being banned. That isn't happening, and there are surprising reasons why.

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