By Jordan Boisvert | 02/04/2022
Boseiju will rock Modern. But what's its dream home? Jordan's promising new frankendeck recruits an unlikely artifact that may outmode longtime Modern staples.
By David Ernenwein | 02/01/2022
After not touching Modern in the latest B&R announcement, Aaron Forsythe took to Twitter with a trove of valuable insights. David dissects their implications.
By Adam Cohen | 01/26/2022
Five members of the Quiet Speculation team got together to talk about Tuesday's Banned & Restricted update in the first Quiet Conversations podcast.
By David Ernenwein | 01/25/2022
The more things change, the more Burn stays the same. David reviews the striking anomaly of Burn's enduring power in the context of post-MH2 Companion Modern.
By Paul Comeau | 01/21/2022
Today Paul looks at the recent Pauper bans and his deck of choice for the format. He also contemplates what could be getting banned from other formats.
By David Ernenwein | 01/18/2022
As Modern crawls with red one-drops, David tries to answer the question burning in everyone's mind: is Ragavan or DRC king among them?
By Jordan Boisvert | 01/17/2022
Jordan applies pillar thinking to Modern, identifying five distinct macro-archetypes to carve out a holistic picture of the format.
By David Ernenwein | 01/12/2022
David closes the books on 2021 with a full-on year-end metagame report. Best performers? Biggest disappointments? Place your bets and see!
By Adam Cohen | 01/11/2022
Adam takes a walk down memory lane and lists his top 10 honorable mentions for cards new to Modern from 2021.
By David Ernenwein | 01/05/2022
David's back with his monthly Modern metagame update. What are the decks to beat? What should you bring to your next event? Read on to find out.

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